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Want to learn more about our services and how we can help? Feel free to contact us directly or through the form below.

Or perhaps our FAQs can help…

Do you treat WSIB clients and clients after car accident?

While we offer services for clients privately and through car insurance following a motor vehicle accident, we DO NOT treat under coverage for WSIB.

I have private insurance through my work benefits plan, can you send it to them directly?

Yes we can bill to MOST insurance companies directly. The companies that we bill to include the following:

Blue Cross, Canadian Construction Workers Union, Chamber of Commerce Group Insurance, CINUP, ClaimSecure, Cowan, Desjardins, First Canadian, Great West Life, Green Shield,  GroupHEALTH, GroupSource, Industrial Alliance, Johnson Ins, Johnston Ins, LiUNA Local 183 and 506, Manion, Manulife Financial, Maximum Benefit, SSQ, Standard Life, SunLife, Union Benefits.

Although we offer direct billing to these companies, some individual plans do not permit billing by the clinic. It is the responsibility of the client to check with their plan if they have coverage for the desired service and to monitor their insurance limit.

Do I need a doctor’s referral to begin treatment?

No, you do not need a prescription for treatment to begin therapy with our practitioners. However, some private insurance companies required a doctor’s prescription for certain services. Be sure to check your insurance requirements. 

Our Office

Cotton Mill Rehab

113-705 Cotton Mill St.,
Cornwall, ON K6H 7K7

(613) 362-1180

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Hours of Operation

Monday: 8am–8pm
Tuesday: 8am–6pm
Wednesday: 8am–8pm
Thursday: 8am–6pm
Fri: 9am–5pm
Sat-Sun: Closed

Find us on the map…

Located in Cornwall’s historic Cotton Mill district.